30 April 2007

Independent Midwifery Under Threat

This is a left field sort of invite. I thought it important to let you know, if you haven't heard already.

Through personal experience (read "having three babies at home and having all care provided by ONE wonderful independent midwife throughout all three pregnancies, labors and postnatal periods"; with the exception of the last baby, when I was totally spoiled by having two midwives at my disposal), I feel I do know exactly the difference it makes to have this option available! I had freedom to co-create the perfect experience for myself, my partner and then also our children. It is a very empowering place to be in during such momentous events.

The crux of the matter is that at present there is no Professional Indemnity Insurance available to independent midwives. There also is a plan to introduce legislation making Professional Indemnity Insurance mandatory for midwives, which they are currently unable to obtain on the open market, and that independent midwives might therefore be forced to cease practicing.
You can read up more on the issue on the Independent Midwives Association website.

There is a petition, which you can sign here.

Another thing you can do is to write to your MP and get him/her to support the Early Day Motion (below).

Ready template:

As a member of your constituency I request your support in the very important fight to save independent midwifery. Please sign the Early Day Motion 1256 'CONSULTATION ON INSURANCE FOR INDEPENDENT MIDWIVES' submitted by John Baron as soon as possible.



Baron, John

That this House notes that independent midwives are healthcare professionals regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and supervised by local supervisory authorities; welcomes the fact that independent midwives provide one-to-one continuity of care, which is the gold standard in maternity care, and facilitate home births and a less medicalised birthing experience; further notes that, without consulting the profession, the Government intends to require all independent midwives to have professional indemnity insurance, which they are currently unable to obtain on the open market, and that independent midwives might therefore be forced to cease practising; believes that the loss of independent midwives would work against the Government's stated policy of promoting one-to-one maternity care and choice about where to give birth and what pain relief to use; further believes that the link between having insurance and being a safer midwife has not been proven; and therefore calls on the Government to outline the reasons for this change in policy and to postpone any legislative changes until after a full consultation has taken place.

It's easy and can be done very quickly.
You can find out who your MP is here
It's enough if you copy and paste the ready template and Early Day Motion text above and sign (unless you want to add something more personal:) About 60 MPs have signed his motion so far.

I have already contacted my MP and requested that she supports this motion. It took me about 5 minutes to do this. I know it might seem just like another thing to do, but we can make difference if we choose to do so and act now. If you aren't a woman, aren't pregnant, aren't planning a family at all - do it to safeguard this right to freely choose between independent midwifery and other options!

The midwives at The London Birth Practice (Elke also looked after me during my last pregnancy - hello Elke if you're reading this!) and other independent midwives in UK are doing all in their power to preserve this invaluable resource for alternatively minded women/families. There is a need for a public outcry though. There should be an affordable insurance available to these highly skilled, knowledgeable, dedicated and experienced professionals. There is so much at stake here!


Upcoming event:
On the 4th May the RCM (Royal College of Midwives) has organized an event to celebrate the International Day of the Midwife. We would like to join into the celebrations but also highlight the situation faced by independent midwives and the lack of support the RCM has shown so far. It would be fantastic to have mothers, fathers, babies, older children and anyone else who wants to support us there. We are meeting at the 'Alison Lapper Pregnant' sculpture which is on the plinth nearest the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery. Meeting time 10.30am. Please access campaign website for further information.

Independent midwives at work.

Niblet & I.

I made this garter stitch cardigan out of recycled cashmere yarn bought at Susan The Recycler's Store , and to the pattern by Erika Knight, from her book "Simple Knits For Cherished Babies".

This is me and my little nephew, who !surprise, surprise! was also born at home (and assisted by two independent midwives)! Now, would you believe it if I told you that I had given birth about 24 hours before this picture was taken? This is how cool independent midwifery is. HAVING BABIES AT HOME TOTALLY ROCKS! I would highly recommend it!

LOL to L (if you're reading this) XXX

27 April 2007

Pattern Testing, Cake Eating & Oggle

Today I have tested some lovely lace patterns for a summer scarf I'm currently pulling out of the realm of ideas and into the physical world.

Here is Peruvian lace in cashmere & silk blend by Jade Sapphire in a colorway called "Oceana".

Most of the knitting got done at the Spence Bakery café whilst sipping coffee and munching on a lemon and polenta cake (the rest of family playing Frisbee in the park and befriending people).

This is Grecian Plait (actually, I haven't noticed the internationally focused names of the patterns 'till now - odd!) Again, Jade Sapphire cashmere & silk blend, this time in a colorway called "Lagoon". I love this colorway - the hues are deep and lovely. The picture really doesn't do this yarn justice.

On my way home I saw this weathered iron fence and thought it looked charming.

If it takes your fancy, you can come and see me at Oggle Art Craft & Design Fair at Stoke Newington on the 13th of May.

Deceptive silence

It's been quiet at Stitchville for a few days, but trust me - it's been a flurry of activity in my non-virtual space.
Firstly, I have confirmed dates for You Can Knit for next three seasons, which takes us all the way to March 2008! I have also been spending lots of time designing a sock-making workshop, which has been on my mind ever since I have fallen down that bottomless hole of sock making addiction. I have been thinking (and writing) about it so much that a word "sock" became somewhat abstract and I could no longer be sure how to spell it correctly! Yep, so I have 2 weekend workshops scheduled for socks too. All of a sudden my diary is looking even more busy. But hey! As long as the items in it are knitting related I cannot be daunted by the sheer AMOUNT! In fact, the more the better! (If I happen to be in a less of an optimistic mood at some point in the future, please refer me back to this post to jig my memory, will you?)

There is another new item on the menu: Jade Sapphire Corner. Watch this space for progress on a (relatively) long term project I have just made a start on. It is a surprise so I cannot say more, but all will be divulged when the time is right.
A little hint, which doesn't reveal a thing, actually, beyond what is guessable, given that I'm a knitting-fixated individual...

Watch this space. More news coming soon!

21 April 2007

Sheep, sheep, sheep...

Yesterday morning L & C were messing about with pastels on the kitchen table and I had a secret peek over their shoulders to see what they were drawing.
Want to have a guess?

Now, these are sheep (in case you're wondering). Actually, just a quick sketch.

Clara decided that there is no point to farm sheep, unless they are colorful. I totally get her point!

These are " The Sheep Under A Starry Sky". The green lines are there to prevent the sheep from escaping, apparently.

And here we see "Sheep At Night".

But this is where it really gets rocking...
Farmer's house (don't you love the stained glass windows?) and a flying sheep :)

PS: Dear Riggwelter, what a coincidence with plundering Ollies!


Yesterday, I spent delightful half an hour sipping tea and making markers for my knitting trinket box. It was so much fun. I sneakily encouraged Oli to play with his train trucks and choo-choos, which almost every time guarantees about half an hour distraction-free time :)
Oh, the beads I found in my bead boxes!

Venetian glass.

Sterling silver & Russian blue hand-cut glass trade beads on silver wires. These glass beads are old and sooo beautiful! I simply adore them!

Silver stardust & white jade on gold plated wires.

Finally, stipey trade beads & silver beads on silver wires.

At the end of the session Oliver got bored of his rail building job and came to plunder my bead boxes, at which moment I had to flee...

11 April 2007

Easter Knits

There has been a lot of knitting going on in Stitchville in the run up to and over the Easter hols.

I have finished what begun as Louis' alpaca scarf and now that it has been finished looks like it was actually destined for Oli. It's been put in moth proof storage for the spring and summer months having gone through the freezer quarantine beforehand. (Now that I see an occasional moth-boy flutter by I have raised moth alert to the highest possible degree and observe strictest anti-moth routines.)

I have dreamed up yet another project: a summer top made of finest Scottish cashmere that is meant to be totally reminiscent of intricate romantic finery. I have tested a few patterns in the run up to the cast-on session for this piece...

I think I prefer the one below over the one above.

These remind me of a starry night sky :)

I also bought some vintage buttons...

... and made a door stop (this was a moment of distraction from knitting actually, as it is crocheted).

Sock stash got replenished (sorry, didn't have time to take a picture of yarn - it will surely appear at some point this year as a ready sock or even two!) Thanks for all great tips for where to look for gorgeous sock yarn. It proved very useful :)

I am finishing off Miss Fairy's hat, so that it can join other woolly things in the safety of cedar wood scented air tight box, and to complete a ritual of spring clean in the realm of knitting.