13 August 2008

Laying Around...

... are these beauties.

All courtesy of The Good Yarn Stall. I'm dreaming up ideas for these to be made up into things/patterns. It's very lovely, having these beauties hanging around.

However, these gorgeous children...

... are keeping me rather busy, so not much happens in a way of knitting at the moment. It's a well known syndrome called 'summer holiday'.

To tell the truth though I have been kept more busy by my seasonal renovation project than by my children who are roaming around in a little gang, most of the time not wanting anything to do with me and my 'boring' activities. Except for when they get hungry :)

And here is one of the tops from the little collection I am putting together to support The Mirasol Project.

Sans Cuture, bien sur.

08 August 2008

"Hilda was always at his side in union meetings, with her tireless knitting needles in hand and her knitting wool in a bag in her lap. While her husband harangued his comrades, she drifted off into a secret world, savoring her memories, embroidering affections, reliving her happiest recollections, totally divorced from the clamor of the political discussions. Through a long and gentle process of purification, she had succeeded in erasing most of the privation of the past, and guarded only the happy moments."

Isabel Allende, of Love and Shadows